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Pediatric Orthodontics – Lawrence, MA

Putting Young Smiles on the Right Path

Young girl with pediatric orthodontics smiling

Taking care of your child’s oral health early in life could help you save time and money on treatments in the future. That’s especially true for orthodontic problems such as misalignment, which are easier to deal with early on while the teeth and jaws are still developing. The pediatric orthodontics that our Lawrence, MA orthodontist, Dr. Cortés, offers can make a significant difference for your little one’s smile during their crucial early years. We recommend that you call us to schedule an appointment when your child is around the age of 7, when most orthodontic issues are both recognizable and able to be treated with orthodontic appliances or limited phase braces.

What is Pediatric Orthodontics?

Young girl pointing to her pediatric orthodontics appliance

Pediatric orthodontics is more commonly referred to as Phase 1 orthodontics. The idea is that by dealing with orthodontic problems in their early stages, there will be fewer potential complications later. Our focus will be on preventing overcrowding, misalignment and bite problems. We’ll also help your child give up any non-nutritive habits that they might still be clinging to for security. Also, we can adjust the teeth that are already in the mouth to make sure there’s enough room for future teeth to erupt. The initial consultation gives us a chance to take note of the growth patterns of your child’s teeth and jaw.

What Kind of Treatments Accompany this Specialty?

Orthodontist placing a child's oral appliance

Phase 1 treatments are usually between 9 and 12 months – clearly much shorter than what you’d expect from a more traditional treatment like braces. Your child might need a headgear or a similar type of orthodontic appliance to make the necessary adjustments to their teeth and jaws. They might also receive limited-phase braces, which are only worn for a fraction of the time that is normally required for traditional braces. Other Phase 1 appliances include specialized retainers and space maintainers. Each treatment will be completely custom designed to fully address your child’s specific concerns.

What are the Benefits of Pediatric Orthodontics?

Preteen girl with pediatric orthodontics smiling

Not all children require early intervention, but in cases where it’s recommended, there are many reasons to start orthodontic care now instead of waiting until later. We can keep the gaps left by baby teeth open so that there’s plenty of room for permanent teeth to erupt later. Also, correcting orthodontic problems will also help your child avoid other developmental issues that are often connected to the mouth, such as certain speech impediments. Finally, it lets us take control of the growth of your child’s mouth so that we can make sure that their upper and lower arches match up correctly while also improving the overall appearance of their smile.