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4 Ways That Modern Braces Have Paved the Way for Straighter, Healthier Smiles

June 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sblawrence @ 5:09 pm
two smiling patients with braces

Metal braces are one of the most iconic and recognizable treatments in the world; practically everyone knows someone who has worn braces, and many patients go through their own orthodontic journey at some point in their lifetime. However, braces have come a long way to become the effective solution they are today, and modern braces are quite different from their predecessors. Continue reading below to learn more about modern braces and a few of the ways they’ve helped to shape and advance the entire field of orthodontics.

1. Changes in Materials

The first braces were invented almost three centuries ago by a French dentist; these “braces” were made of a woven metal wire that fitted over the upper and lower teeth and could be worn for a long time to straighten them. The concept was sound, but the execution was somewhat lacking – thankfully, modern technology has remedied this. Now, braces are normally made of stainless steel, which is safer and more durable than older metals like gold and silver. These brackets are also highly customizable and utilize rubber bands to fit in the individual’s mouth.

2. Less Stress on Teeth

Modern braces also cause much less stress on the teeth because the brackets are designed to move them very gradually. This helps to reduce discomfort, while also actually speeding up treatment time. Not to mention, the technology used to make modern braces is much more advanced than in years past. Orthodontists can use special software to plan out treatment in much greater detail, which translates into more optimal results for patients, as well as less overall discomfort.

3. Added Convenience

It goes without saying that modern braces offer greater convenience than traditional braces. They can be adjusted very easily, and even remotely monitored with the help of the Internet. Modern braces are also smaller and lighter than traditional braces, making them simply more comfortable and easier to wear. Plus, the disruptive, bulky, gleaming headgear of the past has slowly been phased out, and now metal braces are also surprisingly subtle when worn. Of course, popular alternatives to braces like Invisalign have also risen in popularity, and these options sport unmatched convenience and comfort.

4. Better Orthodontic Practices

Hygiene and science have evolved quite a bit over the years, and this has greatly improved orthodontic treatment practices as well. Today, orthodontists are smarter than ever before, and they have a much better understanding of dental anatomy and much deeper knowledge concerning new technology and treatments. This lets them provide more effective treatment with far fewer complications.

The bottom line is that modern braces have improved significantly over the last few centuries, and certainly over the last few decades – and these advancements are what allow people everywhere to enjoy healthier, happier smiles!

About the Practice

Our team here at Super Braces of Lawrence has proudly served families in Lawrence, MA, and the surrounding area for several years, offering a wide range of orthodontic services for patients of all ages including metal braces, Invisalign and more. If you have any questions about the blog, or you’d like to get in touch with our team to set up an appointment for yourself or a loved one, just give our office a call or reach out online; we can’t wait to hear from you! Telephone: (978) 794-0000.

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